Scholarship recipients will share nearly $500,000 in 2015-16

Jeanne Stangel, vice chancellor for University Advancement, shares word that the University’s recent emphasis on student scholarships is yielding dividends. The most notable growth has come in endowed scholarships, with donor creation of 26 new funds contributing to a 12 percent increase in dollars available ($303,860) to students over last year. Add to that another $190,500 in annual scholarships – funds made possible by annual gifts from donors – and the total amount of named scholarships at UW-Green Bay approaches one-half million dollars for 2015-16. Among the primary categories for named scholarships:
• Unspecified (open to any major) — $269,409

• College of Liberal Arts and Sciences — $121,069

• Phuture Phoenix — $42,232

• College of Professional Studies — $34,120

• Athletics — $19,445

• Outreach and Adult Access — $6,930

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