Reminder: Ideas for ‘strategic priorities’ due on Friday, Jan. 29
A reminder that ideas to support six strategic priorities are due on Friday, Jan. 29, 2021.
- Ideas from faculty, staff, and campus leaders for how to use the funding should be sent to the leaders of the strategic initiative you are looking to support by January 29, 2021 via this online form.
- Collaborative ideas that advance the priorities broadly across the University will be prioritized over ideas that are more narrowly focused to a particular unit. Think in terms of large scale projects and ideas that could be transformational. We need to utilize the collective knowledge and creative energy of our faculty and staff to identify the best options to use this money in the most strategic way possible. Dream in tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars and not from a scarcity mindset.
- Leaders of the strategic priorities will take ideas and coalesce them into clear proposals with budgets to be presented to the Strategic Budget Committee by February 26.
- The Strategic Budget Committee, which has broad representation from faculty, staff, and administration, will make recommendations on the prioritization of the proposals by March 12 to the Cabinet.
“I urge everyone to think big, think creatively, and think differently about how we can use these resources to support our mission,” said Chancellor Alexander in a message dated Friday. Dec. 4, 2020. “Have conversations that allow you to see problems as opportunities. Dream. I understand that there is some risk here. Because of who you are, I feel comfortable taking the risk and betting on the faculty, staff, and students of UW-Green Bay to use our momentum to create a bright and sustainable future for the University. This is a chance to make a meaningful difference to the future of UW-Green Bay.”