Families Matter focuses Wisconsin families. But what about legislators? | Appleton Post Crescent
This story was produced as part of the NEW (Northeast Wisconsin) News Lab, a consortium of six news outlets covering northeastern Wisconsin.
Over the past seven months, journalists across six newsrooms in the NEW News Lab consortium have talked with northeast Wisconsin families about hurdles they face.
Across 21 stories, families have shared their struggles to secure child care, feed their children, connect with mental health resources and cope with rising senior care costs.
Additionally, families and the people working in the industries they interact with have told us what they would like to see done across the state to alleviate their struggles.
And as these issues play out in the Legislature and the recent budget cycle, we examine how these potential policy solutions compare to what is playing out at the Capitol. Here’s what we found.
Bolstering child care offerings
One of the biggest issues families emphasized was the struggle to access child care.
Please read the full article via the link below.
Source: Families Matter focuses Wisconsin families. But what about legislators?