Insight publications talk baby boomer exodus and solutions (including engineering)
Insight publications says higher education is part of the solution for the expected baby boomer- exodus in the workplace. Jim Golembeski, executive director of the Bay Area Workforce Development Board, says for decades, business and education engaged in little dialog… “Now, because of the baby boomers exiting and smaller cohorts entering the workforce, businesses are very interested.” Golembeski says it’s vital to align education with the region’s economic needs… “Our educational systems … are becoming very adaptable,” he said. Ann Franz, director of Northeast Wisconsin Manufacturing Alliance (NEWMA) praises UW-Oshkosh and UW-Green Bay for responding to the need for engineers and creating engineering technology programs. “College leadership and industry were spot-on in identifying needs,” she says. “Engineering shortages should not be as pronounced because of these efforts.” Read more from Insight on Manufacturing.