Vaccination Clinic In Sheboygan By Early February | 1330 & 101.5 WHBL
(WHBL) – The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has designated the gymnasium of the UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus, as the site of a community COVID-19 clinic that is expected to be operational “come late January and early February”. Prevea Health will be a partner with the UW-Green Bay in the effort, which will also operate a clinic at the Kress Center on the Green Bay campus.The Wisconsin DHS regulates distribution of the vaccine in the state, and at this time has only authorized treatment of those in the “Phase 1A” category which includes health care providers and skilled nursing facility staff and residents. The DHS is now working on who will be included in the next group to receive the vaccine, designated “Phase 1B”, and all others that will follow. It is the Phase 1B population that will first receive the vaccine at the UW campuses.
Source: Vaccination Clinic In Sheboygan By Early February | 1330 & 101.5 WHBL