Expanded virus testing, vaccine distribution possible for UW System campuses this spring | WLUK
GREEN BAY (WLUK)–The UW system is making efforts to get students back to where many say they want to be spring semester: in the classroom.Looking back on fall semester, President of the UW System Board of Regents Drew Petersen couldn’t be more pleased.
“We’ve tested over 500,000 students, faculty, staff, and community members and have learned an awful lot, but I’m so proud of the leadership of President Thompson, our senior staff, the UW system, our chancellors, and our campuses,” Petersen said.The UW system is especially proud of UW-Green Bay for their efforts.
“The lowest caseload in the system. They did an exceptional job,” Petersen said.
UW-Green Bay’s chancellor agrees.
“But really the credit has to go to our students. Everybody said that college students wouldn’t be willing to follow the rules, wouldn’t be willing to do this and our students did. We trusted them and they really handled it as well as we could ask,” UWGB chancellor Michael Alexander said.
Source: Expanded virus testing, vaccine distribution possible for UW System campuses this spring | WLUK