Kauth spends Fridays with Sheboygan South High School

UW-Green Bay entrepreneurship lecturer Ryan Kauth spent two early Friday mornings in class on Sept. 13 and 20, as the lead coach for Problem Ideation Day & Problem Pitch Day in the INCubatorEDU program, at Sheboygan South High School.

Students will continue to spend the school year in this class working on a startup business model to pitch in May. Over the two Fridays, the INCubatorEDU high school students learned from Kauth how to empathize with a potential customer who has a problem and pitch the problem the customer needs to solve with a customer empathy story, describing what jobs the potential customer needs to get done, why the current solutions to solve the problem may not be working, and what impact solving the problem will have on the potential customer. The budding entrepreneurs were incentivized to take risks with UW-Green Bay swag. Kauth is pictured (above) with the class (below, far right) with Sheboygan South business teacher and INCubatorEDU teacher Graig Stone (middle) and INCubatorEDU program board member Jamie Schramm (left), community outreach manager at Kohler Credit Union.

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