Snow Emergency (especially Thursday) could affect faculty, staff

The Parking division has declared a Parking Snow Emergency for Wednesday and Thursday (Dec. 15 and 16) in order to remove the snow from the unplowed parking areas used by housing residents. Of special interest to at least some faculty and staff:

As part of the Snow Emergency, on Thursday, December 16 the entire Studio Arts parking lot will be closed for parking until all snow removal has been completed.

The inbound lane at each entrance to the parking lot will be barricaded off Wednesday evening. On both days other parking lots on campus will fill up faster.  When coming to campus on these days, allow adequate time to find a parking stall.  Any vehicles parked in lots that have been blocked off for snow removal prior to all work vehicles exiting the lot will be ticketed (with a $50 Snow Emergency citation). “Snow emergency days are stressful for everyone involved.  Your attention to, and cooperation, with these snow emergency policies is requested to help us provide you with reasonably snow-free and safer parking.”

Contact Parking with any questions at 465-2301 or

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