UW-Green Bay involved in statewide planning

Wednesday’s announcement by UW System wasn’t news to administrators and faculty at UW-Green Bay who are involved in Systemwide planning and study of the new UW Flexible Option. Both Provost Julia Wallace and faculty representative Brian Sutton are members of work groups evaluating the initiative and implementation. UW-Green Bay officials say it was anticipated that several institutions — in this case, Milwaukee, Parkside and UW Colleges — would be in a position to describe limited program plans for as early as fall 2013, but there was no expectation that Wednesday’s news conference would involve anything resembling a statewide rollout. (Incidentally, officials here have previously noted that UW-Green Bay is relatively well-positioned to address issues of flexibility and serving the needs of nontraditional students, given the University’s success in online learning, Adult Degree programs and use of learning technology.)

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