Upcoming opportunities for nonprofit professionals

Committed to sharpening the abilities of nonprofit leaders.
The University of Wisconsin Green Bay Nonprofit Education & Development Network offers a unified line-up that includes a foundational certificate, interactive on-demand advanced training and organized networking opportunities that deliver actionable knowledge you can take back to your nonprofit organization and implement right away.
Upcoming Network Opportunities
Join nonprofit leader conversations on Zoom, where you’ll learn from a featured nonprofit leader and exchange ideas
October 6
9-10 a.m. Join us to discuss the issue of inclusivity with Amaad Rivera-Wagner, Chief of Staff for the City of Green Bay
October 20
9-10 a.m. Kari Olsen, Director of Grants and Scholarship Programming at the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation, will be on the call.
Upcoming Training
Strengthening Your Business Model & Revenue Strategy
Thursday, October 27
9:30 a.m.-4 pm. Tundra Lodge Resort & Conference Center, Green BayIf there’s anything the pandemic showed, it’s that the world changes quickly. For nonprofits to remain sustainable, they must be able to quickly respond to the changing economic environment and the needs of the communities they serve. To do so, they need a deep understanding of how their programs work together to create impact and financial viability.
Instructor: Steve Zimmerman, a nationally celebrated consultant