Nonprofit Leadership Conversation features Kitty Johnson from the De Pere Chamber of Commerce

Nonprofit Leadership Conversations
Thursday, September 22
9 a.m.-10 a.m.
Join our upcoming conversation surrounding marketing plan development. Kitty Johnson from the De Pere Chamber of Commerce will lead a conversation about developing a marketing plan for your events, programs, and organization. What do you include in a marketing plan? How can you use the plan to encourage participation in your organization, activities, and events? To register click here!
Hosted by the Nonprofit Education & Development Network
Understanding the value that nonprofit organizations bring to our communities, UW-Green Bay has established a Nonprofit Education and Development Network (Nonprofit Network). To sharpen the abilities of nonprofit leaders, the Nonprofit Network has created a line-up of offerings that includes a foundational certificate, interactive in-person and on-demand advanced training and organized networking opportunities.
The Nonprofit Network brings together highly-skilled instructors and other nonprofit decision-makers within the community with sessions offered online and in-person.