Haynie takes reins of CATL, development efforts
The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce that Prof. Aeron Haynie has been appointed director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.
Haynie began her career at UW-Green Bay in fall 1999 and is an associate professor in Humanistic Studies (English). She has been actively involved in numerous Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) projects, served as the interim director of CATL in fall 2010, and received several awards for teaching excellence including the Founder’s Association Award for Excellence in Teaching (2006), UW-Green Bay Teaching Scholar II (2004-05), Featured Faculty Teaching Award (2002), UW System Teaching Fellow (2001-02), UW-Green Bay Teaching Scholar I (2000-2001), and Teaching At Its Best Award, 2000.
The Center is located in the Instructional Services Building, Suite 1144. More information about CATL activities can be found at www.uwgb.edu/catl/. Dr. Haynie can be contacted at 465-2199 or CATL@uwgb.edu.