Movies, documentaries, etc. now available through Cofrin Library

Looking for movies, documentaries and other viewing materials?  These items, formerly held in Media Services, are now available in the Cofrin Library. The collection is located on the third floor of the Library and can be checked out anytime the Library is open.  DVDs can be browsed by Library of Congress call numbers, just like the book collection! For faculty who want to show a video in class, these items can be held by placing them in the Reserve collection at the beginning of the semester. By placing the item on Reserve, the Library will ensure the video is only viewed in the onsite media rooms and does not leave the Library.  If you want to show the video in class, placing it on Reserve will ensure it is here when you are ready to show it.  Just stop by the Library that day and pick it up.  Contact Lindsay Simonsen (x2540) for more information about placing materials on Reserve. Loan periods for non-reserve media items will be 14 days. (Please note: Media Services will still assist with equipment reservations and delivery.) 

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