Plan ahead for printing orders during M/UC changeover
Does your office have immediate plans for any publications — brochures, booklets, letterhead, envelopes, business cards — that would require the services of an outside commercial printer? The Marketing and University Communication Office, which facilitates and executes print purchasing campuswide, is asking for your patience. With the imminent retirement of longtime agency printing manager Nancy Matzke on June 30, offices that make frequent outside print orders have already been notified and encouraged to plan ahead and adjust their schedules where necessary and possible. It will be at least several weeks before a permanent or LTE replacement will be in place, although full service should resume well in advance of the start of the new academic year in late August. In the meantime, Christopher Sampson of M/UC says the office expects to maintain some capacity to process simple outside-printing orders on a case-by-case basis during the changeover. Immediate questions? Contact Matzke at ext. 2214 or