Reminder: UW-Green Bay Heirloom Veggie Pre-sale on Friday, May 10, Public Sale on Saturday, May 11

UW-Green Bay faculty and staff have an opportunity to shop at the heirloom veggie pre-sale from noon to 5 p.m. on Friday, May 10, 2019. If possible, bring containers to carry your plants. More than 150 varieties of transplant-sized heirloom peppers, tomatoes, amaranths, eggplants, cucumbers, flowers, greens and herbs will be for sale. All money raised supports student research in the sciences at UW-Green Bay. The public sale will be on Saturday, May 11, 2019 and numbers will be handed out beginning about 7:30 a.m. (possibly earlier). Most plants are priced between $1.75 (tax included). Cash or checks only. Also, Associate Prof. Steve Meyer (Natural and Applied Sciences) will have his salsa available for a donation both days! Come and taste-test the salsa, take a jar or two home as a thank you if you make a donation to the memorial scholarship established to honor the memory of student Katie Hemauer. Learn more about the sale.

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