Reminder: Auditions for Sutton play

UW-Green Bay Prof. Brian Sutton, English and Humanistic Studies, scheduled auditions for his original play, Searching for Romeo, at 6 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday (April 25 and 26) in the Jean Weidner Theatre at the Weidner Center. Anyone is welcome to audition; Sutton will be casting eight males and eight females for the show, with some of those cast playing more than one role. Performances will be Thursday, July 12 through Saturday, July 14 in the Jean Weidner Theatre. Rehearsals begin Tuesday, May 29. For more information, check out Sutton’s blog (, or contact him at suttonb@uwgb.eduor (920) 465-6785.

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The story of professor-turned-playwright Brian Sutton taking a stab at theatre production is a good one. We offer a short synopsis in the spring 2012 issue of our Inside UW-Green Bay magazine. Check out the photo and copy on page 15.

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