Video: Phuture Phoenix program still making a difference during COVID-19

It’s October and you know what that means! It’s Phuture Phoenix campus visit time! Only this year, campus visits will be virtual. Students will still receive their future phoenix t-shirt but they will also receive a virtual tour put on by the Education 208 students.
Those students are putting together as close to a campus visit as they can. Students who are viewing the campus visit project will still visit the Weidner Center, the Kress Events Center, the union, the Cofrin Library, housing, and all of the great things we have here on the UWGB campus. They are also charged with trying to create a relationship with some students who will be watching their projects virtually.
Students have begun working on their project and will have everything compiled by the beginning of November and we will then roll out these projects to all of the teachers who would have brought their fifth-grade students to campus this year. Hopefully, they will have their t-shirts, they will have their virtual campus visit and they’ll have a college experience day where they can learn about the possibilities of post-secondary education, namely our great campus UWGB!