Video: UW-Green Bay’s Cofrin Memorial Arboretum Trails and outdoor spaces reopen July 1

On July 1, 2020, the six miles of Cofrin Memorial Arboretum trails encircling the Green Bay campus will reopen to the public for hiking, biking and bird-watching. The trails and all public spaces (including Shorewood Golf Course, Communiversity Park and the disk golf course) were closed in March due to the pandemic and the furloughs related to it. Thank you to Facilities Management staff for clearing trees and debris allowing for a safe reopening.
About the Cofrin Memorial Arboretum:
The Cofrin Memorial Arboretum forms a natural boundary of 290 acres encircling the UW-Green Bay campus and providing valuable habitat and ecosystems as well as access for research, field trips, wildlife viewing and recreation. The purpose of the Arboretum is to restore and preserve some of Wisconsin’s native ecological communities and to provide a place where people can enjoy and appreciate nature. Emphasis is placed on the protection, enrichment, and development of native Wisconsin plant communities and areas of special ecological significance. Forests, prairies, ponds, and creeks represent some of the major communities thriving in the Arboretum.
The Arboretum also contributes significantly to the UW-Green Bay environment, making it one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States.
Video by Sue Pischke, University Marketing & Communication