Category: Faculty/Staff

Brian Sutton publishes short stories

Brian Sutton publishes short stories

Brian Sutton, an emeritus associate professor of English at UW-Green Bay, has had four short stories either published or accepted for publication by literary journals in a span of just over three weeks. On...

UW-Green Bay Prof. Dean VonDras article is published

UW-Green Bay Prof. Dean VonDras article is published

“Music is a universal phenomenon, that in all cultures addresses the existential anxieties presented by death, freedom, social isolation, and meaninglessness.” This article by Prof. VonDras posits that music helps us in reducing and resolving...

Retirement Party for Kevin Fermanich

Please join the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology in celebrating the retirement of Kevin Fermanich on September 12, 2022 from 2-4 p.m. in the ES 317 conference room. Interested in signing the card...

Profs. Meinhardt and Emmons co-author article

Profs. Meinhardt and Emmons co-author article

Richter Museum Curator and Human Biology Professor Daniel Meinhardt co-authored a paper with Art Professor Emerita Carol Emmons in the August issue of FSM Magazine. The article describes different approaches to representing nature as...

Art is Her: Lisa Wicka

Art is Her: Lisa Wicka

The Art is Her exhibition series celebrates women artists and champions their goal of achieving museum presence equal to men. Trout Museum of Art dedicates its atrium to a series of solo exhibitions by...