In the news: P-G covers commencement with photos, column, video and more
The Green Bay Press-Gazette dedicated much of Sunday’s (Dec. 15) page A-3 to UW-Green Bay’s Saturday commencement festivities, featuring photos, facts, and a terrific column from class speaker and Outstanding Student honoree Andrea Reisenauer. The column reflects on Reisenauer’s experience with 360° of Learning at UW-Green Bay, what it’s meant during her time as a student and how she’ll carry it forward now that she’s an alum. “According to a Chinese proverb, learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere,” Reisenauer writes. “If that is the case — and I strongly believe it is — then this 360-degree education should not only follow us, but surround us as we go through our daily lives.” Great stuff. The paper’s online coverage also includes a commencement-day video. You can check it out by clicking the links below:
Green Bay Press-Gazette, article and video
Green Bay Press-Gazette, article and video
And even more commencement coverage …
WLUK, Fox 11 and NBC 26 were among the local news stations that carried coverage of Saturday’s commencement. You can check out their reports, here:
WLUK, Fox 11, article and video
NBC 26, article and video