Giving back: Habitat for Humanity ornament sale
The UW-Green Bay student chapter of Habitat for Humanity is preparing for its annual winter break trip, and this year members will be selling hand-painted ornaments to raise money for the cause.
This year, 45 students will give up a week of winter vacation to travel to Birmingham, Ala., to build houses for deserving families. While the Birmingham affiliate provides them with lodging, and the campus chapter’s budget covers transportation, the students must raise money to cover their food expenses.
On Tuesday (Nov. 30) and Wednesday (Dec. 1) students will be selling hand-painted Christmas ornaments at two locations: in the University Union foyer outside the bookstore and in the Cofrin Library concourse level alcove. In the spirit of the holiday, the Habitat students say that no one should have “a place to live” on their Christmas wish list. The campus community is invited to help support this ambitious student effort.
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Photos provided by Mike Stearney, Dean of Enrollment Services