Klussendorf, McKown Scholarships Awarded – Mid-West Farm Report

The Klussendorf Association is pleased to announce winners of the 2021 Klussendorf and McKown scholarships. The $1,500 scholarships will be awarded to seven individuals at the Dairy Shrine Awards Banquet held September 30 in conjunction with World Dairy Expo.To be eligible, students must be in their first, second or third year of study at a 2 or 4-year college or university in the U.S. or Canada majoring in a field that will allow them to develop the skills needed to pursue a career in the dairy industry.

Winners demonstrate an affinity for leadership, participation in extracurricular activities and a special interest and ability in showing dairy cattle in their best natural form.Klussendorf Scholarship

The Klussendorf Scholarship is representative of the late, legendary showman and dairy cattle fitter Arthur B. Klussendorf. The association honors those who most nearly exemplify his character and ethics. Three students will each receive $1,500 scholarships.

A Klussendorf scholarship winner is Mackenzie Ullmer from Seymour, Wisconsin. Mackenzie is a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Mackenzie takes an active role in her family’s operation, Ullmstar Dairy, where they milk 80 registered Holsteins and Ayrshires. Through her activities in and out of the show ring, Mackenzie was the first to be recognized as Outstanding Junior by the Wisconsin Ayrshire Breeders’ Association.

Source: Klussendorf, McKown Scholarships Awarded – Mid-West Farm Report