Monthly Archive: September 2022

FREE energy saving kits available now

FREE energy saving kits available now

Anyone with an electricity bill can get a FREE energy saving kit from Focus on Energy every year. There are several kit options, with different combinations of LED light bulbs, low-flow shower heads, faucet...

Psychology major Michaela Lade, poses with her backpack on and the Phoenix wings on the wall in the background as she stands in the main hallway by the curved windows at the UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus.

Video: The Learning Center’s Academic Success Coaching

The Learning Center’s Academic Success Coaching program helps students reach their full potential. Coaching helps students improve on time management, excel in class and on exams, and feel more confident in their academic learning....

Upcoming opportunities for nonprofit professionals

Committed to sharpening the abilities of nonprofit leaders. The University of Wisconsin Green Bay Nonprofit Education & Development Network offers a unified line-up that includes a foundational certificate, interactive on-demand advanced training and organized...