Follow up for Digital Scholarship Institute

On May 14-15, 2018, the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, the Cofrin Library, and the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning hosted the Digital Scholarship Institute with guest presenters: Miriam Posner and Amanda Visconti. At this institute, instructors, staff and administrators generated action plans for how to better support our campus’ digital scholarship efforts. From planning the ways in which departments can incorporate digital scholarship systematically within curricula, to developing support plans for undergraduates, scholarly research, and community involvement—attendees were able to identify that our path forward was one of collaboration and resource sharing.

This work emerges from an initiative associated with a one-time student success grant to support digital pedagogy as well as undergraduate digital scholarship and digital literacy. The grant supports UW-Green Bay’s partnership with University of Victoria’s Digital Humanities Summer Institute. Thanks to our sponsorship, a series of instructors are learning new ways to think about how technology can enhance or transform our engagement with cultural artifacts, and provide new, publicly accessible forms of sharing knowledge with our communities. Students in history courses have created digital games that navigate players through the lives and circumstances of historical figures and communities. Within literature courses, students engage with coding to create critical, digital editions of texts and consider how technology enables us to ask new questions of old works. Students in humanities and history courses are learning about the problems and promise of compiling databases of historical and cultural artifacts, and to visualize their interpretations through networks, graphs, charts, and digital maps as well as texts.

Future plans include discussions on shared learning outcomes across programs, the development of a learning community that will advise and support current and future projects, as well as a plan for how we can facilitate digital scholarship within the community. Interested in learning more? Contact!

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