Tagged: Wisconsin Public Radio
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Intertribal Student Council will present the 2014 UW-Green Bay Pow Wow from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. Saturday, April 12 at the Kress Events Center on campus. The event,...
UW-Green Bay Associate Professor of Human Development Ryan Martin appeared on the Wisconsin Public Radio interview program “Central Time” last Friday to discuss his research into anger and anger management. To hear a podcast,...
Assistant Prof. David Helpap offered State of the State analysis first thing Thursday (Jan. 23) morning, appearing on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Joy Cardin Show” to discuss Gov. Scott Walker’s annual address. Speaking with fill-in...
Paula Ganyard, director of UW-Green Bay’s Cofrin Library and president of the Wisconsin Library Association, was interviewed last week on the Wisconsin Public Radio show “Central Time.” The occasion was library week and the...
With Board of Regents approval of a collaborative new engineering technology program for UW-Green Bay and UW-Oshkosh, Wisconsin Public Radio has coverage: read more.
UW-Green Bay is receiving some attention regarding northern pike research on the west shore of the bay. Assistant Prof. Patrick Forsythe of Natural and Applied Sciences is part of a research team sampling the...
We told you last week that a quarter-ton statue of the original Renaissance Man has arrived on campus, the generous donation of an Italian foundation that has fostered ties with our campus and other...
As the Dow Jones industrial average neared the 14,000 mark earlier this week, the possible milestone was is receiving some attention in the financial and news media realms. Wisconsin Public Radio reporter Patty Murray...
The Green Bay Press-Gazette’s Warren Gerds wrote a Sunday (Nov. 4) column — with numerous UW-Green Bay ties — on the 40th anniversary of WPNE, Channel 38. Gerds explores the history of the regional...
Wisconsin Public Radio’s Larry Meiller Show addressed the inspiring efforts to preserve the Oneida language in Wisconsin during its Monday morning (Oct. 22) edition. UW-Green Bay Prof. Clifford Abbott and tribal historian Loretta Metoxen...