Tagged: Spanish and Latin American Studies
Although UW-Green Bay is intending to be open in fall and welcoming faculty, staff and students back on campus, some classes originally scheduled for in-person instruction will be moving online or having online aspects...
After the sharp increase of COVID-19 cases in Green Bay linked to food plants, and given the number of Spanish-speakers employed in those plants, some UW-Green Bay Spanish students and faculty from the Spanish...
UW-Green Bay welcomed music group Las Cafeteras on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019 in Phoenix Room C for a workshop titled “Sounds of Resistance!” The event was co-sponsored by UW-Green Bay Spanish, MESA, Organizacion Latino...
UW-Green Bay Archives and Area Research recently hosted the class, “Cultures of Spain” taught by Spanish Prof. Cristina Ortiz. The students broadened their perspectives, studying a collection of materials donated by alumnus, Benjamin Cruz-Uribe...
Please encourage students to attend the Alumni Roundtable (Career in Spanish), Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018 in Mary Ann Cofrin Hall Room 206 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. This informal “career roundtable” discussion stresses a...
Student Speaker Bao Nhia Xiong and Stephany Gardea are roommates and friends, with much in common. Both are first generation college students and the first in their families to graduate with a four-year college...
UW-Green Bay Spanish Scholar in Residence in 2011, Peruvian writer Jorge Eduardo Benavides, recently published an endearing piece about Green Bay and surrounding areas in the travel section of the most widely read Spanish...
Associate Prof. Marcelo Cruz (Public and Environmental Affairs) spoke at the North Central Council of Latin Americanists (NCCLA) conference at UW-La Crosse, Nov. 4-6. Cruz presented a paper entitled “Challenges for Regional Planning in...
UW-Green Bay alumnus and Spanish graduate Tanner Vodvarka studied in Bucamaranga, Colombia (Spring 2014). During the semester abroad, he had the opportunity to meet the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, who has been...
Association Prof. Hernán Fernández-Meardi will lead a discussion of Paulo Friere’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed as part of Humanistic Studies’ Great Book Series at the Brown County Library on Tuesday (Dec. 8) at 6:30...