Tagged: Shorewood Golf Course

Running 81 miles on Arboretum trail, in a day

Running 81 miles on Arboretum trail, in a day

The final results are in from last months’s big Green Bay Running Club Summer Solstice Challenge, held on the longest day of the year a couple of Saturdays ago.  Participants ran the 4.75-mile course...

Shorewood’s ‘Bright Idea’ needs your vote

Shorewood’s ‘Bright Idea’ needs your vote

From Rick Warpinski: “Please join the Shorewood and UW-Green Bay community who helped Shorewood’s “Bright Idea” make the NGCOA (National Golf Course Owners Association) Final Four by voting (follow this link: http://www.ngcoa.org/brackets/) where you...

After Friday, no more golf

After Friday, no more golf

It was great while it lasted. Shorewood Golf Course will be closing for the season at 4 p.m. this Friday (Nov. 7). From the staff: “We would like to thank all of you for...

Halloween treats at Shorewood

Halloween treats at Shorewood

Just to remind you that the clubhouse is still open for fall business and serving delicious food, we pass along this seasonal offer from our friends at the Shorewood Golf Course Clubhouse: From now...