Tagged: Pride Center

Swap Sale is Monday, Sept. 25 (new date)

Swap Sale is Monday, Sept. 25 (new date)

The annual Swap Sale is Monday, Sept. 25 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Phoenix A and B, University Union. Gather up your gently used clothing for all ages, household goods and decorations,...

LGBTQ+ SAFE Ally training

LGBTQ+ SAFE Ally training

The next LGBTQ SAFE Ally level 1 and 2 training is Monday, Oct. 16. Level 1 is from 10 a.m. to noon, Level 2 from 1 to 3 p.m. Contact Stacie Christian at christis@uwgb.edu...

Top 25 in Campus Pride index

Top 25 in Campus Pride index

Campus Pride announced the 25 colleges and universities leading the way for LGBTQ inclusion in policies, programs and practices across the United States. The list includes UW-Green Bay and UW-Milwaukee. The Wisconsin Gazette has...

Inclusive Excellence Workshops 1 and 2 this week

Inclusive Excellence Workshops 1 and 2 this week

In response to the Campus Climate survey of 2011, the UW system implemented the Inclusive Excellence initiative to increase one’s understanding of how to be warmly welcoming and provide equity to all employees, students and community...