Tagged: presentation

Faculty note: Helpap presentation

Faculty note: Helpap presentation

Political Scientist David Helpap, assistant professor of Public and Environmental Affiairs, recently presented the paper “Explaining the Use of Recommended Practices and Guidelines: The Case of Public Budgeting” at the American Society for Public...

Faculty note: Kraft presentation

Faculty note: Kraft presentation

Prof. Emeritus Michael E. Kraft gave a talk in December at the Gerald R. Ford School at the University of Michigan. Both the full paper and the talk are now available online at the...

Details on Cofrin Chair candidate presentation

Details on Cofrin Chair candidate presentation

Here’s a reminder about the presentations by two finalists for the Austin E. Cofrin Endowed Chair in Business (Accounting). • Monday (Feb. 17) 9:30-11 a.m., Wood Hall 324 — Jerry Lin, professor of accounting...