Tagged: presentation

Faculty note: Saxton-Ruiz

Faculty note: Saxton-Ruiz

Gabriel Saxton-Ruiz, associate professor of Humanistic Studies, organized a panel on the works of Peruvian novelist Jorge Eduardo Benavides at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The title...

Faculty note: Voelker presentations

Faculty note: Voelker presentations

On Oct. 2, Associate Prof. David Voelker of Humanistic Studies and History gave a talk to faculty and academic staff at UW-Steven’s Point on the topic “Why You Should Study Your Students’ Learning.” He...

Faculty note: Nesvet

Faculty note: Nesvet

Rebecca Nesvet, assistant professor of Humanistic Studies, attended the International Conference on Romanticism at St. Thomas University in Minneapolis in late September. Her paper, presented as part of a panel on Lord Byron, was...

Russ in Jordan

Russ in Jordan

Prof. Meir Russ of the Cofrin School of Business presented a faculty and student seminar at The School of Business at the University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan this past Wednesday. His presentation was...