Tagged: Nursing

UW-Green Bay Nursing Skills Center Open House, Oct. 22

Please join NHS faculty, staff and students to learn about UW-Green Bay’s new Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program and tour the Aurora BayCare Medical Center Nursing Skills Center. Nursing students and faculty...

Nursing alumna comes full circle as a nurse educator

Mardie Timken ’96 (BSN completion), has come full circle, and now the student is the teacher. Timken visited the Green Bay Campus recently as a nurse educator with Elsevier, a company providing supporting software...

Healthcare education transforms as world changes

Healthcare education transforms as world changes

UW-Green Bay offering two new certificate programs—Management in Health Systems and Geriatric Healthcare Green Bay, Wis.— The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is transforming educational offerings in healthcare, a sector susceptible to upheaval because of...