Tagged: log extra

Extra, extra, read all about it (Big game is Dec. 15)

Extra, extra, read all about it (Big game is Dec. 15)

Coming to your inbox, today’s Log Extra — the supplemental (mostly) publication that highlights highly visual content through photos, videos and graphics. Take the time to read yours today. We notice one typo in...

Did you miss Log Extra yesterday? Check your inbox

Did you miss Log Extra yesterday? Check your inbox

If you missed Log Extra yesterday, it’s worth the look. Great stories: Information and Computing Sciences gets a gift from Google to help Phuture Phoenix in a brand-new partnership; music students tell us why...

In your Log Extra, today…

In your Log Extra, today…

Didn’t get to read your Log Extra today? If not, you missed these stories and photo galleries… Feature: UWGB has a new App Photos: NURSE 1-2-1 welcomes first Feature and photos: GPS (Gateway to...

Log Extra in your inbox today

Log Extra in your inbox today

Don’t miss your Log Extra today… you will find three photo galleries — a field trip to Pictured Rocks, incredible campus spring photos and a recent retirement reception. Plus, news about two student space scholars...

Log Extra, yesterday

Log Extra, yesterday

Check your inbox for Log Extra yesterday. In case you missed it, great photos of Kumar Kangayappan’s retirement reception, 50 and Forward event, Social Work Symposium, news about recent Kress Center recognition, commencement, and...