Tagged: inclusive excellence

Workshop: Making Excellence Inclusive

Workshop: Making Excellence Inclusive

Visiting consultant Alma Clayton-Pedersen said she was impressed by the sizeable turnout (well over 100 faculty, staff and students) and the level of commitment when she visited UW-Green Bay for a “Making Excellence Inclusive” workshop on diversity, Jan. 19.

A compliment for diversity video

A compliment for diversity video

A brief videotape of Chancellor Thomas Harden’s personal reflections on diversity, recorded late last fall to kick off the University’s “Inclusive Excellence” initiative, was highlighted by visiting consultant Alma Clayton-Pedersen during her presentation at...

Background available for Inclusive Excellence

Background available for Inclusive Excellence

Here’s a reminder about the Inclusive Excellence event today (Wednesday, Jan. 19) from 1 to 3 p.m. in Phoenix Room B for all faculty, staff and administrators. (There is also an additional special session...