Tagged: health

Reminder: suicide awareness

Reminder: suicide awareness

This is a reminder to UW-Green Bay employees that anyone becoming aware that a student or employee may be thinking about suicide is encouraged to contact the Counseling and Health Center at 465-2380 as...

Reminder: Overview of AODA issues at UW-Green Bay

Reminder: Overview of AODA issues at UW-Green Bay

From 3 to 4 p.m. next Thursday (May 6) in the Union’s 1965 Room, campus experts will present an overview titled “The University’s Collaborative Response to Alcohol and Other Drug Concerns.” Presenters are Deb...

Fight for Your Food Film Festival

Fight for Your Food Film Festival

Starting Wednesday, April 7, the student-sponsored film series “Fight for Your Food Film Festival” will be held in Rose Hall, Room 250 on the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus at 7 p.m. The film series is free of charge, and is open to the general public.

Drug impairment program drew professional praise

Drug impairment program drew professional praise

Carmen Leuthner, UW-Green Bay director of Education Outreach, says her office has received positive feedback regarding a recent two-day program for professionals to address the issues of student drug impairment. More than 25 local...

Promoting sex-assault awareness

Promoting sex-assault awareness

As attention focuses on the problem of sexual assault on college campuses across the nation, the UW-Green Bay Counseling and Health Center has sent a reminder to all students about sexual assault – definitions,...