Tagged: EMBI

Screening just one aspect of Green Innovations 2011

Screening just one aspect of Green Innovations 2011

Wednesday evening’s film and discussion take place in connection with Green Innovations 2011, an annual symposium during Earth Week. UW-Green Bay’s Environmental Management and Business Institute (EMBI) is hosting the two-day seminar Wednesday and...

Wisconsin premiere of ‘DIVE’ April 20 at UW-Green Bay

Wisconsin premiere of ‘DIVE’ April 20 at UW-Green Bay

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay will host the Wisconsin premiere of the award-winning documentary “DIVE! Living Off America’s Waste” at 7 p.m. on April 20 in the Phoenix Room inside the University Union, 2420 Nicolet Drive. The screening is free and open to the public.

Wozniak named UW-Green Bay’s Alumni Earth Caretaker

Wozniak named UW-Green Bay’s Alumni Earth Caretaker

Paul Wozniak ’78 and ’94 is an environmental historian, a statistical analyst and an environmental educator. For his longstanding work in areas of environmental sustainability he will be named the recipient of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Alumni Earth Caretaker Award.