Tagged: council of trustees

LeCalsey TV appearance is now online

LeCalsey TV appearance is now online

Lou LeCalsey, the retired paper-industry executive who heads the UW-Green Bay Foundation and Chancellor’s Council of Trustees, was featured guest on the public affairs program “CW 14 Focus” last Sunday morning. He talks quite...

Trustees show community support

Trustees show community support

Several members of the Chancellor’s Council of Trustees/Foundation Board donned academic robes and took front-row seats on the platform during the Dec. 15 mid-year Commencement at UW-Green Bay. Shown here, pre-ceremony, are (from left)...

Strong Foundation: Snapshots from meeting of UW-Green Bay advocates

Strong Foundation: Snapshots from meeting of UW-Green Bay advocates

The fall 2012 meeting of the Board of Directors of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Foundation, Inc., drew more than two dozen distinguished UW-Green Bay supporters to the University Union’s 1965 Room last week. Directors heard favorable reports on the University and its prospects from Foundation President Lou LeCalsey and Chancellor Tom Harden.

Malafa, Wochos appointed to Foundation board

Malafa, Wochos appointed to Foundation board

Two individuals — an award-winning UW-Green Bay alumnus regarded as one of America’s leading cancer researchers, and a well-known Green Bay business and civic leader — have accepted invitations to serve on the Board of Directors of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Foundation, Inc.