Tagged: campus

Lighting the way to savings and sustainability

Lighting the way to savings and sustainability

It’s the type of sustainability project where you can literally see the difference! Over the last year, a number of ‘re-lamping’ and retrofit projects to update outdated campus lighting systems have been underway. All...

Work to begin on ‘park’ near Union

Work to begin on ‘park’ near Union

Residence Life has informed student residents that work is expected to begin this Thursday (Oct. 25) on development of a park-like area linking student housing to the University Union. A portion of the three-acre...

Brand Celebration scheduled for Nov. 14

Brand Celebration scheduled for Nov. 14

More details to come, but organizers are planning a celebration for Wednesday, Nov. 14, that will spotlight 360° of Learning. Colleagues from across the University are looking forward to 360° of fun activities that...