Tagged: Business and Finance
GREEN BAY – UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary L. Miller announced today the permanent selection of two key members of his leadership team. Greg Davis has been named the University’s Provost and Vice Chancellor for...
Stop in at the Office of Business and Finance yet this afternoon (Thursday) and you’ll find two things: 1) Kelly Franz, the retiring vice chancellor, is taking the afternoon off, presumably to rest up...
Already distributed campuswide but repeated here for the record: The retirement reception for Kelly Franz, the departing vice chancellor for business and finance, is scheduled for 4:30 to 6 p.m. next Tuesday (Aug. 11)...
UWGB Director of Human Resources Sheryl Van Gruensven will take on additional responsibilities as the University’s interim vice chancellor for business and finance. Chancellor Gary L. Miller announced the selection of Van Gruensven to...
Sheryl L. Van Gruensven, director of human resources for UW-Green Bay, will assume additional duties as the institution’s interim vice chancellor for business and finance. UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary L. Miller announced the selection...
Local 5 News spoke with UW-Green Bay students and Vice Chancellor Kelly Franz Thursday (Jan. 29), continuing to assess reaction to a proposed $300 million UW System budget cut. In the near term, the...
Longtime Phoenix Athletics administrator Dan McIver has been announced as the new senior associate athletics director for business and finance at Northern Kentucky University. McIver rejoins NKU AD Ken Bothof, his former boss in...
Former UW-Green Bay cross-country standout Callie Bartel posted a fine 3:07:26 at a cool, wet Grandma’s Marathon last weekend in Duluth. That was good for 38th place out of the 2,343 women who participated....
News of a likely UW System tuition freeze drew local and state interest late last week, with lawmakers, officials and students weighing in. And while it’s too early to determine just what a freeze...
Please join the Business and Finance area in welcoming two new employees to UW-Green Bay. • Laurie Rentmeester has been hired as the Bursar, and her first day of employment is Monday (April 22)....