Van Gruensven named interim vice chancellor for business, finance

Sheryl Van Gruensven
Sheryl L. Van Gruensven, director of human resources for UW-Green Bay, will assume additional duties as the institution’s interim vice chancellor for business and finance.
UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary L. Miller announced the selection of Van Gruensven to fill the leadership position to be vacated by Kelly J. Franz, who is retiring after a three-decade UW System career that has included 25 years with UW-Green Bay, the last three and one-half as vice chancellor.
Van Gruensven’s appointment as interim vice chancellor takes effect Aug. 16. She is described by Miller as “highly respected throughout the UW System and a key leader at UWGB.”
“We are extraordinarily fortunate to have such a talented and experienced executive in our midst who can step into this essential role at this critical time in the history of the university,” the chancellor added.
The vice chancellor for business and finance reports directly to the chancellor and is the institution’s lead administrator for budgeting, accounting and fiscal control. The position also oversees roughly 175 employees and a range of business operations and services, including buildings and grounds, facilities planning, the controller’s office, purchasing, risk management, human resources, the campus bookstore, the student union, the campus golf course, motor pool, parking and public safety.
Van Gruensven has served as the University’s director of human resources and affirmative action since 2005. With administrative consolidation necessitated by state budget cuts, she will continue to hold responsibilities in those areas.
Van Gruensven joined UW-Green Bay in 2004 from a position as human resource manager with a Wausau law firm. She earned her bachelor’s in human resources management from Upper Iowa University, and her master’s degree from Silver Lake College, Manitowoc.
She has previous experience as UW-Green Bay’s interim vice chancellor for business and finance. She served in that capacity for several months in early 2012 before Franz accepted appointment to the position.