Student researchers to present at UW-Green Bay

The Cofrin Center for Biodiversity at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay will hold its largest student research symposium ever on Tuesday, March 1 from 1-4:30 p.m. in Phoenix Room B in the University Union, 2420 Nicolet Drive.

The Cofrin Student Research Symposium provides a forum for student researchers who have conducted studies on UW-Green Bay natural areas and elsewhere during 2010-11, with funding from the Cofrin Arboretum Student Research Endowment, the Point au Sable Research Endowment and the Michael Draney and Vicki Medland Land Trust Research Award.

This year’s schedule of presentations includes contributions by 14 students, the largest number supported in a single year since the start of the program in 1989.

During the program, Brian Zaron, winner of the 2011 Paul and Thea Sager Scholarship in Memory of Edward W. Weidner, will be recognized for his excellence in undergraduate science writing.

This year’s student presenters and topics are:

Andrew LaPlant: Exotic slug abundance in five contrasting northeast Wisconsin forests.

Cody Sandahl: Connecting the dots from death to dirt; understanding how live roots alter soil microbial activity.

Lindsey Bender and Gary Wauters: Population dynamics and seasonal movement of three snake species on the UW-Green Bay’s Cofrin Arboretum.

David Lawrence and Eric Struck: Fish assemblages in Mahon Creek, Wequiock Creek, and Point Au Sable Estuary in northeastern Wisconsin.

Emily Castellanos and Kelli Briski: The search for Clubiona pallidua.

Nick Hamus and Zach Moureau: Temporal variation in near-shore fish assemblages at the Kingfisher Farm Natural Area of western Lake Michigan.

Erin Gnass and Nicholas Walton: Evaluation of avian surveys at the Point au Sable Natural Area in Brown County, Wisconsin.

Aaron Groves: Canopy pollinators in northern hardwood forests of northeastern Wisconsin.

Andrea Gruen: An inventory of amphibian malformations within the Cofrin Arboretum.

Matt Abrahamzon: Mahon Creek hydrology and water quality: Initiation and collection of baseline data from an automated monitoring station.

The symposium also provides an excellent opportunity for students interested in developing research projects for next year’s award competition. Proposals for these and other student research grants sponsored by the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity are due by 5 p.m. on April 1, 2011.

For more information visit


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