Teen Connection program on obesity has numerous UW-Green Bay ties

UW-Green Bay Prof. Regan Gurung and our own community nutrition students were featured in a Dec. 14 episode of Wisconsin Public Television’s Teen Connection devoted to the issue of childhood obesity. Gurung, a health psychologist, spoke about Live 54218, a local campaign focused on encouraging healthy behaviors around eating and physical activity. The program also featured a September UW-Green Bay-sponsored conference, at which Gurung spoke about the Live 54218 initiative. Some of our students got a moment in the spotlight as well, thanks to their partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of Green Bay. Twice a week, students studying nutrition assist at a cooking club, teaching students to make easy, nutritious meals. And there’s yet another UW-Green Bay connection to Teen Connection — it’s co-produced by NEWIST/CESA 7, which is housed here on campus. You can check out a 10-minute YouTube excerpt, or watch the full program.

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