In-Bum Chun speaks on U.S.-Korea Alliance

Former Lieutenant General of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Army, In-Bum Chun, along with U.S. Congressman Reid Ribble, will be speaking from 12:45 to 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 3 in the Christie Theatre of the University Union, UW-Green Bay. Chun was a distinguished member of the ROK Army for 35 years until his recent retirement. He has accumulated more than 50 awards for his service to country and work toward international peace including a Presidential Citation and Bronze Star from the U.S. military. The presentation by these two leaders will cover security challenges in East Asia and the importance of the alliance between the United States and Korea. It will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by UWGB Prof. Yunsun Huh. This event is free and open to the public.

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