UW-Green Bay adviser, Ron Morris, receives Friend of Education Award
Sue Bodilly
September 16, 2016
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay admissions adviser Ronald Morris received the 2016 Friend of Education Award, Thursday, September 15. Morris received the honor with two other individuals and three organizations in recognition of their commitment to children and public education. State Superintendent Tony Evers presented the award on behalf of the Department of Public Instruction (DPI).

Ron Morris and Tony Evers
A press release from the DPI noted… “Morris understands the importance of education and has been a great partner for the Department of Public Instruction’s various college prep programs. During workshops and conversations with students, Morris shares his personal testimony of what his life was prior to the transformational experience of higher education. He worked collaboratively with the DPI to develop the Phoenix Scholars Program, a week-long summer college readiness initiative focused on African-American middle school males. The first two cohorts of Phoenix Scholars graduated from high school last year. He counts himself fortunate to have had three impactful mentors as an undergraduate and wants the same for the students with whom he has the privilege to work.”
The ceremony was held at the State Capitol as part of the State of Education Address and Recognition Ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda in Madison.
“Their passion for public education and the children attending Wisconsin’s public schools is truly inspiring,” said State Superintendent Tony Evers about the award winners. “Their stories of service and accomplishment show what it means to be a Friend of Education.”
Evers presented his Friend of Education awards to Morris, for his commitment to partnerships that extend higher education to Wisconsin families; former State Senators Timothy Cullen of Janesville and Dale Schultz of Richland Center for their work in the Wisconsin Legislature and their private lives in support of public education; Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association for its work to prepare youth and adults with the skills needed to succeed in life; Journey House for its commitment to Southside Milwaukee families through adult education, workforce readiness, youth development, and family engagement programs; and Simpson Street Free Press of Madison, for teaching students literacy skills that support their school achievement. Additional information about each recipient follows.
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