Next Level Board Service for Nonprofits

Next Level Board Leadership

Join us Wednesday, October 25, at the Automobile Gallery in Green Bay, for an advanced training for nonprofits “Next Level Board Service,” developed by the Nonprofit Education and Development Network. Board members and executive staff will learn methods to develop a high-impact board, whether a structured, larger organization or a small nonprofit that is in an earlier working board stage of development.

Beginning with an overview of the responsibilities of nonprofit boards and the relationship between the board chair and executive director, we will review the Governance as Leadership framework and focus on several of the specific board responsibilities. We will consider how to incorporate authentic diversity into the board’s work, the fundraising role of the board and techniques to energize members to actualize their own reasons for serving.

We urge individuals to attend with several team members to discuss and develop insights to implement in your own organization. Learn more and register on our website.

This workshop will be led by Mary Stelletello, MA, MBA, Principal and Founder of Vista Global Coaching and Consulting. Mary brings thirty years of experience in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors to her coaching and consulting work in the areas of governance, leadership development, strategy development, strategic partnerships, training, facilitation and organizational capacity building.

The Nonprofit Education and Development Network at UW-Green Bay is sponsored by the Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement.

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