Campus mourns passing of Nancy Stiles

Nancy Stiles
Chancellor’s Award, 2005
UW-Green Bay learned today of the passing of Nancy (Gochnauer) Stiles, a long-time supporter and advocate of UW-Green Bay, particularly the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts and the UW-Green Bay Theatre program. Nancy and her late husband Stuart became active in the Founders Association in the 1970s. Nancy was a committed and enthusiastic supporter of the Weidner Center since its planning stages. She was intimately involved with the design of the Weidner Center, and along with longtime friend David Cofrin, and others, regarded and treated the beautiful venue as a community treasure. She was named to the initial eight-member steering committee for the Weidner Center and served on the campaign committee. She headed the seat campaign that began in 1989. When the Weidner Center opened in January of 1993, she was a member of the executive committee and advisory council. Nancy received UW-Green Bay’s Chancellor’s Award in 2005 — the highest honor bestowed to a friend of the University. Stuart received the award in 1986.

Nancy Stiles and David Cofrin discussing plans for the Weidner Center.

Nancy Stiles with Chancellor David Outcalt at the groundbreaking of the original Weidner Center construction.
“The Green Bay community and the University, in particular, has lost a great and valuable friend with the passing of Nancy Stiles,” Chancellor Gary L. Miller said Friday. “Nancy was a community-involved individual, to say the least. The University was fortunate to have her attention and her love. The impact of her passing will be felt everywhere in northeast Wisconsin. We offer condolences to Nancy’s family as we celebrate her life.”
Nancy and Stuart made their home in Green Bay and Dunedin, Florida. Newcomer Funeral Home is helping the family with plans to honor the life of Nancy on Tuesday, July 26, at First United Methodist Church, Green Bay. The family has expressed that memorial contributions be made to the Weidner Center, as well as Bellin College of Nursing and Unity Hospice.
“I’m confident that Mrs. Stiles would be pleased to know that her many friends can honor her memory and a life well lived with gifts to the Weidner Center,” Chancellor Miller said. “Her theatrical interests were many and the Weidner Center remained at the center of them throughout her life.”