Chancellor Alexander statement on Supreme Court announcement
June 24, 2022
Following is a statement from UW-Green Bay Chancellor Mike Alexander:
Dear UW-Green Bay Students, Faculty, and Staff,
We live in complicated times and I think a lot about the role of a public university within the discourse of current events. It is my firm belief that public higher education should provide space for all people to grow and develop as human beings, acquire knowledge, search for truth, and have the full freedom to display their values. We must provide a place where civil discourse can lead up to and follow decisions that will impact the lives of the people we serve.
I understand that many of you are upset by the decision today from the Supreme Court. I also understand that many of you will celebrate it. Both sides have the right to display those feelings. The issue of women’s rights is not a new one and the discussion that will follow today’s decision is healthy and essential to continue to try to improve the human condition for all. We hold the ideal of diversity as a core value. This means recognizing, honoring and respecting the individuality of thoughts, ideas, beliefs and perspectives. Listening to and learning from diverse voices makes us stronger and moves us forward and closer to our enduring commitment to search for the truth.
As always, we will provide support to those who need it in difficult times and continue to empower all through education. I am very proud of UW-Green Bay’s history and current practices to support women. We will continue to do so in a way that provides space for all viewpoints.
Best, Michael Alexander Chancellor