UW-Green Bay Collegiate Rocket Launch Competition team Phantastic Phoenoms wins 2nd Place

Recently, six UW-Green Bay students participated in the 2024 Collegiate Rocket Launch Competition presented by NASA. The team, named the Phantastic Phoenoms, took home second place.
Team members Elly Purdy, Bryon Cobb, Caitlyn Hendricks, Dalton Kowalkowski, and Unique Vang, will present the details of their work at the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference, hosted by UW-Milwaukee later this year.
“My participation in these competitions has been a highlight of my college journey, granting me the privilege of serving as team lead for three out of my four years,” said Purdy in a LinkedIn post. “Special thanks are due to WSGC and Brian Welsch for their continued support and mentorship in the field of high-powered rocketry,”.
Source: Elly Purdy shares about Phantastic Phoenoms on LinkedIn