Congratulations to promoted faculty at UW-Green Bay and UW Colleges
The following UW-Green Bay faculty members’ promotions received approval by the Board of Regents on Friday, June 8, 2018. Congratulations to all!
Name, title and promotions:
Bryan Carr, Associate, tenured
Ryan Currier, Associate, tenured
David Helpap, Associate, tenured
Pao Lor, Professor, full
Michelle McQuade Dewhirst, Professor, full
Rebecca Nesvet, Associate, tenured
Sawa Senzaki, Associate, tenured
Jon Shelton, Associate, tenured
Alison Staudinger, Associate, tenured
Katie Turkiewicz, Associate, tenured
Brenda Tyczkowski, Associate, tenured
Elizabeth Wheat, Associate, tenured
At UW-Sheboygan:
Devin Bickner, Associate, tenured
Ann Mattis, Associate, tenured
At UW-Manitowoc:
Rebecca Abler, Professor, full