UW-Green Bay announces new Humanities Online minor emphasis
The Humanities program announced a 100 percent online broad studies Humanities minor emphasis, designed to pair with any major, and to assist students in developing the analytical and communication skills studies have shown employers desire. Drawing upon popular courses in literature, history, cultures, ethics and values, this new Humanities minor will acquaint students with new perspectives, expand their worldview and enrich and deepen their understanding of the human experience.
This Humanities Online minor emphasis consists of seven courses, all conducted entirely online, some of which also fulfill General Education requirements. The program is designed for maximum flexibility and with all students, but especially the returning adult student, in mind. To that end, most of the courses are not in a required set sequence and the online environment allows students to create their own study schedules and more easily fit these great courses into their already busy lives.
For more information about Humanities Online or to enroll in the program, contact either Professor Jennifer Ham hamj@uwgb.edu or Professor Mark Karau (karaum@uwgb.edu.