Expanding Accelerated Degree Options

Enrollment and interest in accelerated courses is continuing to grow. In an effort to meet this demand and expand degree offerings, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement (CECE) is working collaboratively with the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) and the Cofrin School of Business (CSOB) to offer accelerated bachelor’s degrees.
Within CAHSS, Organizational Leadership (with an Organizational Development Certificate and Self-Directed Area of Emphasis) will be available in an accelerated format. Within CSOB the Bachelor of Business Administration (General Emphasis) will be available in an accelerated format.
UW-Green Bay is an access-driven institution utilizing a variety of modalities to meet the needs of our diverse student population. In order to serve our non-traditional, adult student population and expand modality options, the Accelerated Associate of Arts and Sciences Degree program was launched by CECE in Fall 2020. Offering 7-week, asynchronous online courses has allowed students the ability to focus on fewer courses at a time, while still progressing toward their educational goals.
For additional information, please refer to the complete press release.